There is a tide in the affairs of men,
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune

Genes Express Themselves

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Look closely at the picture below - there are two pigeons who tend to roost outside my window, on a rooftop below. Note that rather than the dull grey of the common Istanbul (or London, or New York, or San Francisco) pigeon, these birds are rust-coloured, matching almost exactly with the colour of rooftop tiles in my neighbourhood. Clearly, this a phenotypic expression of an adaptation that has been selected for by the pigeons' environment. What is interesting to me is the evolutionary time-scale: I'm reasonably certain that these tiles have been used in our area for a mere few hundred (as opposed to thousands) of years. Within this relatively short time period, over generations, a random mutation which conferred a marginal reproductory advantage was successfully selected.

The evidence for Darwin's theory is literally right outside one's window.

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  • I'm Sunset Shazz
  • Living the dream in Istanbul, Türkiye
  • I grew up in the hardscrabble streets of suburban Ottawa, Ontario, committing petty crime, insulting the elderly - basically the classic misspent youth. When I was 19, I moved to West Philly, where I put myself through the Wharton School by dealing crack and hustling. After stints in Paris and London, I eventually graduated and moved to San Francisco, where I put in eight years hard labor working for The Man. But now I pop bottles with models, deciding cracked crab or lobster - who says mobsters don't prosper?
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